2 de diciembre de 2008

Josep Blasco Nebot

My mother and father are always arguing about their )edroom. My father's side of the room is aiways tidy, but my nothcr's side is terrible. I pity my father having to share a room vilh her.
I asked my father why he had married my mother. He :xplained that he met my mother when miniskirts wcre in áshion. ln those days my mother had good legs, whereas most vomen looked terrible in miniskirts. I was shocked and told him hat I loved Pandora becausc she was intelligent and ompassionate. My father just laughed.
Mitzi's owner carne and asked my mother to keep our dog way from Mitzi. My mother said that our dog lived in a liberal tome and could go where it wanted. Mitzi's owner threatened o report our dog to the pólice. My mother laughed and said. Why don't you take us all down to the pólice station right IOW?"
Woke up at 4 a.m. with toothache. Took six júnior aspirins or the pain. At 5 a.m. I woke my parcnts up and told them that was in agony. My father said, "It's your own fault. You didn't ;o lo your last three denlist's appointments."
At 5.30 a.m. I asked my father to take me to hospital, but he i'ouldn't. It's OK for him; he hasn't got any real tecth. I iromised myself that from now on I would go to the dentisl four ¡mes a year, cven if I wasn't in pain.
At 9 a.m. my mother woke me and told me that she had lade an emergency appointment for me with the dentist. 1 iformed hcr that the pain had stopped and told her to cancel the ppointment.
Woke up at 3 a.m. with terrible toothache. 1 tried to suffer in silence, bul my father musí nave heard me crying becausc he carne and told me to be quiet. He had to work the nexl day and needed his sleep. On the way back to his bedroom, he slipped on onc of my mothcr's magazines lying on ihe floor and she woke up. Then the dog started barking. Once again I got no sleep.
I'm still in bed with toothache. Tve phoned Pandora. She's coming to scc me tomorrow. I told her to bring me a Mars bar. "To make your teeth even better?" she said sarcastically. The dog's still in love with Mitzi. ít isn'teating.
Pandora has just left my bedroom. í'm so frustrated. I can't go on like this. Tve wrilten to Aunt Claras Problem Page about my problem.
Dear Aunt Clara,
I'm a 15-year-old schoolboy. People tell me that I ¡un attractive and mature for my age. I'm the only child of a bad marriage (apart from the dog). My problem is this: I love an older gkl (by three monihs). She's in a social class above me, but she says this doesn't matter to our relationship. Recently I'vc becomc obsessed with sex. I know some real love-making would help my skin and help me to concéntrate on my exams. I've tried all sorts of erotic things, but my girlfriend won't have sex with me. She says we arcn't rcady.
Yours in desperation, Deeply Frustrated

I'm now minus a front tooth! The stupid dentist took il out instead of repairing it. He even put it in a piece of paper and gave it to me to take home! He told me he had often seen me walking home from school eating a Mars bar, and it would be my own fault if T had no teeth at 30.
T will walk home another way in future.
My mother's furious with the dentist. I look like a mass murderer. She's written him a letter insisting that he make a false tooth for free.
School was terrible. Everyone called me names. Even Pandora was a little distant.

11 de junio de 2008

Politica para Amador

En aquest llibre, Fernando Savater ens transporta a un terreny poc conegut pels joves: la política.

Generalitzant un poc, el llibre es una reflexió sobre l’origen, l’evolució, i l’actualitat de la política, de la societat política. En quan l’origen, ens situa al principi de la societat política, on un individu va dir: “aquest terreny es meu...” Desprès, l'inici de la democràcia, amb la polis grega, comparant-la amb la democràcia d’ara (ben diferent). Continua fent varies critiques i explicacions sobre el que ha suposat la política durant tota l’evolució humana. El engany, la corrupció, els pocs beneficis, però alguns, ... També parla de la societat, on en el comentari anterior, faig referència a ella mes o menys amb les mateixes idees que les de Savater. També fa referència a altres tipus de política o pensament, com ara l’anarquisme, en qui no comparteix moltes idees.

En conclusió, ja que un anàlisi de tot el llibre seria molt extens, Savater dona a conèixer la política tal com es, amb un complet significat: la convivència entre els humans, de manera pacifica i igualitària per a tots, i tot açò passant per les diverses fases i evolucions que ha tingut la política al llarg de la historia

Per a mi, he après amb aquest llibre molts significats de la política, encara que me quedat en un: mai existirà una política o una societat totalment justa per a tots.

10 de junio de 2008

Que es filosofia?

La filosofia es una ciència que ens explica raonaments sobre la vida humana.

En aquest comentari, vull reflexar que la filosofia, per a mi, ha segut com una bandeja de opcions o camins per a la vida. En açò vull dir, mitjançant la filosofia, es mostren opinions, reflexions, informació... i nosaltres, agafem de cada filòsof el que volem per crear la nostra filosofia. Es a dir, cada u te la seva pròpia filosofia, i encara que sols uns quans la plasmen a l’escrit, com fan alguns famosos filòsofs com Sòcrates, Plató, Aristòtil..., cada u la te en la seva ment. Es el camí de la vida, crec, es, les opcions que triem, la manera en que anem a afrontar la vida, la forma de veure la vida... Els autors, plasmen la seva manera a un llibre, intentant transmetre les seves idees, no intentant que siguem com ells. I també pensa que, si no haguera segut per aquests primers filòsofs que es decidiren a escriure les seves idees, la societat d’ara seria molt diferent.

Per altra banda, alguns pensaran que la filosofia es la religió dels ateus, encara que no te perquè ser així. Es possible que la majoria dels que creuen en la filosofia, o son filòsofs, siguen ateus, però jo tractaria la filosofia no com una religió, sinó com una visió racional de la vida, no tant metafòrica com a la religió. En açò defense, que els preceptes de la religió em pareixen correcte, però no crec que deurien mostrar-nos la vida com un conte, com fa la Bíblia, sinó mostrar-nos-la com vertaderament es, com es la vida, la realitat, per quan apleguem a una majoria d’edat, o no tant majors, pugam afrontar la vida tal i com es, un regal, amb les seves parts bones i les seves parts menys bones (per no dir males).

En conclusió, la filosofia simplement es un menú de camins on nosaltres a cada pas que fem elegim un camí, i d’esta forma, fer la nostra vida.